I am posting the blog with my iPad and I think some of the features available on a computer may not be available on the iPad. For instance I would love to label the photos so you would know what you are looking at but I can't do that. I hope you can figure out what the pictures are by what the post is for the day. I have still had a few people mention they cannot post a comment. This should help:
1. Click on the word "comments" at the bottom of the post, a box will open, you can leave your comments there, if you can please leave your initials or first name it would help in knowing who is leaving the "anonymous" comment
2. Click on the drop down box labeled "select profile" and choose anonymous
3. Then click the "publish" tab and that should do it.
Also if you click on a picture you can expand it.
Thank you for following along.
I'm seriously jealous - sounds like a great trip. Chris Curtis