Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 17: Saturday July 5, 2014

Today was the final day of Wing Ding and the crowds were light as many people started making their way home. A goal of mine while visiting Wing Ding was to test ride a Gold Wing Trike Conversion. We stopped in at Roadsmith Trikes and they had a spot on the demo ride so I was able to take a ride on a trike. The ride was about 20 minutes in length as the guide took a caravan of 6 trikes thru the Madison country area. After returning to the Alliant Center I was glad I took the demo ride but a trike is definitely not in my near future...if ever! They are nothing like a motorcycle and if there comes a time where I can no longer balance a two wheel motorcycle I will get a convertible automobile! Tomorrow Dave and I will bid farewell to Madison as we travel up the highway to Green Bay and hopefully a tour of Lambeau Field. Since we will be back on the road we appreciate your prayers for safe travel.

Downtown Madison
Downtown Madison




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