Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 9: Friday June 27, 2014

We awoke this morning to rain. The mountains that were in view of the hotel yesterday were completely shrouded in clouds today. We put on our rain gear and headed east on highway 2 toward Glacier National Park. Not far up the highway we ran into road construction. The road was muddy and challenging to cross with our bikes but we made it thru there and were able to stop along the road to take some pictures of the area. Because of the rains there was snow in the higher elevation and The Road To The Sun was closed. We were bummed as that was one of the goals of this trip. Maybe on the return trip... Even with the rain and road work the ride thru the forest was beautiful. God created an amazing color palate and I think green is his favorite color, there were so many shades of green in the park.

The first construction site




Count the shades of green


Nature was calling us


Reflective lake


One of the many lakes


We came upon another traffic delay due to road construction that was wet with mud and gravel. The bikes were trashed with mud after getting thru the construction sites. Fortunately the rains came down harder and washed away a lot of the grime. We stopped and got a few more pictures before getting out of the park and onto the flat land. While driving away I noticed in my rear view mirror the mountains rising up from the planes and we stopped for a photo. We had lunch in Browning at the casino (not too much there) but we wanted to get out of our rain gear and it was 2pm. As we were crossing the plains of Montana we realized why it's called Big Sky Country because for as far as you can see it is prairie and farm land meeting the sky.

Second construction site



Snow melt







Dave and his blue micro fiber rag


East side of Glacier Natl Park looking from the low lands




Yellow mustard covered acres


Yellow mustard

We ended our ride today at 6:30 in the town of Havre (pronounced Have-Err) miles ridden today 366 for a total of 2642 miles so far.


1 comment:

  1. The scenery is just breathtaking!! I'm so sorry Ride to the Sun didn't work out and I hope you can do it coming back!
    I love you,
