Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Day 10: Wednesday June 8, 2022

Today was a new day. We had dry skies, albeit overcast but no rain!  Today we ride into Yellowstone. But first we need to get the Google maps to give us directions.  We got our route and away we went riding through the countryside passing by beautiful ranches and houses. The road was a fun twisty ride until it wasn’t.  The road which we thought was highway 89 (as indicated on the GPS) ended with a sign indicating the pavement ends ahead.  The paved road turned dirt and gravel.  Dave described the road as being shelled by heavy artillery. There were so many ruts and holes that a small child could be lost in some of the potholes. We rode it for a few miles then stopped a guy in a truck and asked him when the unpaved road ends and pavement begins. He said about 7 miles and this route was better than the alternative as the other route was worse, so we continued on.  Riding a 930 pound motorcycle made for the street along with pulling a trailer was a definite challenge of our riding skills.  The “7” miles turned into 17 miles but we eventually made it to pavement and the real highway 89. The bikes took a beating with the washboard, pot holed, rutted out road.  So too did our kidneys and spine 😂.  Dave made the comment that if we had any loose bolts on our bikes, they're lost now.  

We stopped in Gardiner MT (the north gate entrance to Yellowstone) for lunch.  We rode to Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces and hiked the 18 floors to the top. After that excursion we returned to our bikes and noticed elk within a few feet of us. After the photo op we continued on in the park. Passing by thermal pools and vents, as well as Bison and Elk. We climbed to over 8000’ and 50 degree temps and a thawing lake before making our way out of the park by way of the east entrance.  

We rode to Cody WY for the next two nights.  

Our journey today was  228 miles for a total of 2625 miles.  Gas prices today were $4.69  

Jeremiah 32:17. Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. 

                                             Notice the village below

                                             My poor filthy bike. 


  1. Wow that sounds like an adventure.
    I can’t figure out how to say it but it must be more exhausting being more hyper vigilant on those kind of road conditions. 🙏. Glad all is ok. Love Laura

  2. Sorry your ride was so rough...but you made it through as I'm sure you had no doubts. Beautiful pics & Gorgeous countryside

  3. WOW, what a ride. If you didn’t have back problems before, that would do it!!
    Great pictures! 😳
