Monday, June 6, 2022

Day 8: Monday June 6, 2022

Once again when we woke this morning the skies were dark and gloomy, but not raining.  We looked north toward Glacier National Park and it was hidden in clouds, so we put on the rain gear.  We rode off to dry roads…for 11 miles, then the rain started. As we got closer to the park the rain increased.  I was able to get a couple pictures along a river before the skies opened up. For the entire ride through the park the temperature dropped to 46 degrees and the rain fell and fall it did!  This was the heaviest rain we’ve had so far on the trip. We made it out of the park and the rain let up. We stopped at a river confluence that was a muddy ride down the hill.  The snow melt confluence was moving swiftly and the rushing water sound was overwhelming. We made it up the muddy hill without incident.  Once we turned east on Hwy 2 we entered the plains and farmlands of Montana and dry roads. Highway 2 is a lightly travelled straight two lane road with a posted speed limit of 70mph.  It was nice to open up the throttles and sit back and cruise.   We made it to Shelby for lunch. After lunch we continued east with storm clouds to our south and north with a window directly east. About 10 miles from Havre pronounced “Have-Err” the temperature dropped and the rain started falling.  

We decided to make it a day and checked into a hotel in Havre. 

Miles rode today:  269  total for the trip:  2095

Psalm 121: 1-2.   I lift my eyes to the mountains-where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 

                                             The Confluence 

                                          Looking back toward Glacier National Park

                                              Main Street Shelby Montana



  1. Beautiful pictures. Learned a new word as well. So glad you and my love are safe ❤️

  2. Great pictures...Montana is so beautiful around Glacier Mountain...Praying you have days ahead of you that are rain free :)

  3. Sorry you weren’t able to spend more time at Glacier National Park, but happy you were able to get some pics. Next stop 🤔🥰

  4. Kalispell, Montana is where I was born! Love the pictures!
