Friday, June 10, 2022

Day 12: Friday June 10, 2022

Today was eventful. First off this is the day Dave and I separate while he rides south to Texas and I head west to California. But before we left a gentleman approached us from the hotel and was admiring the bikes.  He then said yesterday while driving here I noticed a motorcycle crashed and was on the side of the road and there were two truckers helping him out.  What is it about people that they have to share tragedies when trying to relate to you?  I did not receive what he was saying knowing that God is bigger than his negativity.  

After a tearful prayer we rode out together for the first 122 miles when we came to a literal fork in the road.  We stopped for gas in Shoshoni WY where highway 26 spilt.  We hugged goodbye and Dave went left while I turned right.  We started this ride out with four of us on the adventure and now it’s down to a solo ride.  After leaving Shoshoni, I rode through the prairie of Wyoming and then climbed to the 7550’ level of the mountains. I was the only vehicle on the road for miles and it was peaceful.  After coming out of the mountains the terrain turned desert/prairie and there are no signs of towns or civilization anywhere. The winds were crazy strong changing as the road changed, I would get blasted from the side causing a lean with the bike, then I would be riding into a head wind eating up gas.    I noticed my fuel level was getting below half a tank and I am one to fill my tank when it gets to half full, because you never know when the next gas station will be.  Being a bit concerned I noticed a car pulled over at a historical marker so I pulled up next to the passenger side.  Unbeknownst to me the female driver had her door open and was squatting down peeing.  The passenger reluctantly rolled down his window and I nonchalantly asked him where the nearest gas station was.  He said Kemmerer about 50 miles away.  I said thank you and rode off.  Fifty miles was no problem with the amount of fuel I had.  While after riding 35 miles the highway came to a tee.  I pulled over to figure out where Kemmerer is and the GPS said 61 miles. Now that “50 miles” just became 96 miles. I researched the nearest gas and that was it. So in an effort to save fuel I rode off at 55-60 mph in a posted 70mph highway.  There still weren’t many cars on the highway.  The fuel gauge kept falling even as I  crept along. The head winds and hills seemed unending as the fuel gauge continued to fall. I was praying out loud for a loaves and fishes moment, that Jesus would extend my fuel until I reached Kemmerer.  I was about 10 miles from town when my low fuel light came on but I made it to the gas station and filled 5.7 gallons of a 6.2 fuel tank. I had a half gallon of fuel left which would be about 16-17 miles with the trailer.  I rolled into the gas station and immediately gave thanks. 

I rolled into Salt Lake City to Friday rush hour traffic and 98 degree temps and settled for the night in South Jordan. Today I rode 470 miles for a total of 3095 miles for the trip.

Philippians 4:6   Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 


  1. Wowee!😳 What a day!! Praising God with you for His faithfulness and answered prayers!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

  2. Thanks Steve. A tearful parting of ways was what I had when we split from you two. Praying for you both as you continue your journeys.

  3. Sounds like a pretty stressful day with the winds, open spaces, low fuel ⛽️.
    Praise God for answered prayers. He watches over His children! 🙏🙏🙏
